Walking invites time for ideas; sharing ideas clarifies experience. Once a week, we sit down with special guests for a free-flowing session of debriefing and perspective sharing. Among the various forms of documentation for “Total Clarity,” we believe conversation best captures immediacy and inspiration. The streets of New York tell a story and we will do our best to report it.

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Ep. 46 Van Cortlandt Park with Leila Bakhtiari - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
We start our month long walk around the Bronx rambling about Van Cortlandt Park with good friend and NYC Parks professional Leila Bakhtiari. We take a high level overview of Leila's decade long work journey, talk about what makes a good NYC park bathroom, rank our favorite city parks and much more!

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Use of Force - Denis Reyes
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2015 death of Denis Reyes, 40. Reyes was smothered by police while trying to restrain him during a mental health episode. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Ep. 45 Dueling Botanic Gardens (And More!) - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
With this week falling between two months, it's time once again for one of our patented multi-borough treks! This time we're flipping between Queens and Brooklyn to visit their respective Botanic Gardens! Along the way we find special surprises. What you may ask? Tune in to find out!

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Use of Force - Naim Owens
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2014 death of Naim Owens, 22. Naim was shot by an undercover officer while walking home at night after the officer noticed him reaching for his waistband. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Ep. 44 The Cloisters with Mae Colburn - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Our final week in Manhattan has us doing something we've yet to do during this project - walk interior spaces! We visited five different museums throughout the week and capped it off with a podcast recording way uptown at The Met Cloisters. Joining us for the episode is Mae Colburn - a weaver, art historian and frequent textile collaborator with Jessi. We dive deep into Renaissance-era art, discussing religious background, art technique and the massive undertaking involved in creating the tapestries The Cloisters is famous for.

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Use of Force - David Felix
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2015 death of David Felix, 24. Two detectives entered Felix's room without a warrant on suspicion of purse theft. The ensuing chase and struggle resulted in Felix being shot at point blank range. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Ep. 43 The Loose Ends, Manhattan - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
This is a big week of milestones for the 'Total Clarity' project: 5,000 miles walked (and counting), the end of the winter season and the original project end were it not for the pandemic. This week, we take the opportunity to do a check-in on our project pillars - Physicality, Companionship, Communication and Clarity - to see how our pre-project goals meet our current trajectory and accomplishments. Plus, we call out 5 aspects that have changed and 5 that stayed the same since we first started.

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Use of Force - Garry Conrad
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2016 death of Garry Conrad, 46. Conrad was shot by police after getting into a verbal altercation with them while trying to purchase alcohol. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
It's our second walk week dedicated to movie locations and we're tackling Wes Anderson's 2001 NYC dollhouse The Royal Tenenbaums. "Takin' it out and choppin' it up" with us this week is comedian, educator and longtime friend Ramsey Ess. We cover locations both BK and Manhattan, do some filmography ranking, plus talk about what it's like to know people for over a decade in New York City.

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Use of Force - Charles Mozdir
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of lethal use of force in New York City over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2014 death of Charles Mozdir, 32. Modzir was a suspected sex offender on the run from California authorities when a television show led to information on his whereabouts, prompting U.S. Marshalls and NYPD to seek his arrest. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit: