Walking invites time for ideas; sharing ideas clarifies experience. Once a week, we sit down with special guests for a free-flowing session of debriefing and perspective sharing. Among the various forms of documentation for “Total Clarity,” we believe conversation best captures immediacy and inspiration. The streets of New York tell a story and we will do our best to report it.

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Ep. 41 Writers of New York - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
We're back in Manhattan for the month of March and digging into another arts theme: writing! NYC has a rich history of literary talent living in the city and feeding off of its inspiring culture. We bop around the borough (plus one spot in BK!) to visit just a small cross section of homes where writers were either born or lived in during their lifetime, and even one rumored to be spending their afterlife!

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Use of Force - Angel Alvarez
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of police use of force in New York City over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss an August 2010 event involving Louis Soto (deceased) and Angel Alvarez, 23. Soto and Alvarez were involved in a late night altercation at a barbeque and guns were drawn. Soto was killed by Alvarez; police shot Alvarez 23 times along with three civilian bystanders and a fellow officer. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Ep. 40 The Loose Ends, Queens with Paul DiBenedetto - The 'Total Clarity Podcast
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
We're starting to see real progress on our year-long walk around New York City, as this week represents our final all-Queens marathon! This route is all about hitting areas in Queens we've missed previously, touching the Northeast (Douglaston, Little Neck, Bayside) and Southeast (Rochdale, Brookville, Springfield Gardens) corners of the borough. Joining us this week is Bayside Historical Society President and Bayside native Paul Dibenedetto. We talk the history of the Historical Society, the struggles of single family homes and NYC zoning laws, as well as how COVID has impacted Paul's work in film production. It's also been 5 weeks, so we have our latest mileage report to share!

Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Use of Force - Shereese Francis
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of lethal use of force in New York City over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2012 death of Shereese Francis, 30. Francis was suffocated to death by four NYPD officers after her family had called 311 to get her metal health assistance. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Ep. 39 Hip-Hop in Queens with Miss Mar - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
It's our second of three music-themed walks around NYC, and this week we spanned the entire borough of Queens to visit five havens of hip-hop: Queensbridge, Corona, Jamaica, Hollis and St. Albans. We were joined for our walk through Queensbridge by the fantastic Miss Mar, a young MC with over a decade plus of music already to her name. We talk growing up in the borough, her hip-hop beginnings, the state of the music scene and her clothing company, The Cool Table NYC.
**CLARIFICATION** On the topic of Kiing Shooter's death @ 46:20 - Shooter passed away due to cirrhosis and possible COVID-19 complications. Miss Mar provided the following information after the interview: “When I [Miss Mar] first heard of Kiing Shooters death, it was portrayed as if he had gotten shot but there was never no explanation as to why he got shot, simply an assumption made by several outsiders looking in; this gives the idea that, there is always rap beef in the hip-hop industry - that is so real - it leads to people losing their life. Please note, Shooter passed away due to health complications. Our deep condolences to his family always.” More info on his wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiing_Shooter

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Use of Force - Edgar Owens
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of lethal use of force in New York City over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2012 death of Edgar Owens, 46. Owens was shot by an MTA police officer John Barnett after he stabbed Barnett in the eye with a knife. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Ep. 38 Queens Movie Locations with Frank Lin - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
New York City has been the setting for thousands upon thousands of films over cinema's history. This week, we tackle three with strong ties to Queens - Men in Black, Goodfellas and Coming to America. Joining us to discuss the filming locations is actor, Queens native, and best accountant in New York City (our opinion) Frank Lin. We also take a deep dive into the world of taxes during the exceptional age of COVID.

Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Use of Force - Brian Simonsen
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of lethal use of force in New York City over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2019 death of Brian Simonsen, 42. Simonsen, an NYPD detective, was killed by friendly fire while responding to a robbery call at a cell phone store. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Ep. 37 The Two Racetracks (Blizzard Edition) - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
It was a wild week for 'Total Clarity' as we walked 5 marathons through the biggest snowfall NYC has seen in 5 years! We talk at length about what it's like to walk all day through a blizzard, plus the intended theme of the week: a visit to New York's two racetracks, Belmont and Aqueduct.

Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Use of Force - Jeffrey Ragland
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of lethal use of force in New York City over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2014 death of Jeffrey Ragland, 50. Ragland, a former corrections officer, was shot by an off-duty corrections officer during an altercation with a mutual romantic partner. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit: