Walking invites time for ideas; sharing ideas clarifies experience. Once a week, we sit down with special guests for a free-flowing session of debriefing and perspective sharing. Among the various forms of documentation for “Total Clarity,” we believe conversation best captures immediacy and inspiration. The streets of New York tell a story and we will do our best to report it.

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Use of Force - Joseph Prilo
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2014 death of Joseph Prilo, 29. Prilo was shot by officers at an apartment complex in Flushing, Queens after moving towards them with a box cutter. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Ep. 26 The Queens Coast Pt. 1 with Zach Abramson - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Our two week endeavor to trace the entire Queens coast finds us taking a pit stop in Astoria Park to chat with acclaimed video game composer and Queens local Zach Abramson! Zach tells us about how he made the transition to game composition; his recent work on Avalanche Studios' dinosaur shooter Second Extinction; what goes into running a successful audio house like NYC's own YouTooCanWoo and so much more. We learned so much on this episode, you're not gonna want to miss it!

Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Use of Force - Noel Polanco
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2012 death of Noel Polanco, 22. Polanco was shot by officers on the Grand Central Parkway after being pulled over for driving under the influence of alcohol. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Ep. 25 The Road to Fort Totten - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Our month walking Queens continues with a trek out to historic Fort Totten Park, a hidden gem of military architecture, old New York lineage and Native American history. We touch on all of it, along with a recap of our mileage traveled to date (big milestones to report!) and the upcoming rollout of our Fall Dichototee tee-shirt line.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Use of Force - Jonathan Efraim
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2015 death of Jonathan Efraim, 30. Efraim was shot by officers in Jamaica after discharging a pistol in a bar and fleeing on foot. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Ep. 24 Election 2020 Recap - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
This week on the podcast we hit pause on our weekly walk recap to take a more macro view of 2020. In the midst of a pandemic, America has chosen a new President-elect in Joe Biden. We talk about what this means for us personally, for the country, and for the ongoing story of our nation.

Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Use of Force - Zach Bingert
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2010 death of Zach Bingert, 21. Bingert was shot by officers in Glendale after menacing his mother and the reporting police with a knife. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Ep. 23 East Brooklyn with Loren Beri - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
This week brings a special treat: Loren Beri, the composer of the 'Total Clarity' theme song, sits down for a delightfully absurd podcast episode. We talk the origins of the song (titled "Chess Street"), the struggles of NY apartment life, the Monkey incident of 2018 and our recollection of this week's East Brooklyn sites, all while passively playing a game of chess.

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Use of Force - George D’Amato Jr.
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
"Use of Force" is a sub-series of the podcast where we highlight one instance of NYPD use of lethal force over the past decade along the route we're walking for the week. The name refers to the Use of Force reports the NYPD generates each year where descriptions of these events are compiled. This week we discuss the 2010 death of George D'Amato Jr., 22. D'Amato was shot by officers in Sheepshead Bay after brandishing an imitation pistol in front of a school. For more information including a mapping of lethal force in New York over the past decade, visit:

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Ep. 22 Lower Bay Brooklyn - The 'Total Clarity' Podcast
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Foggy days descend on the city this week as we take a walk along the boardwalk of Lower Bay Brooklyn. We hop from practical to existential, talking our need to improve rainwear; how our sense of time has changed walking ten hours a day; the beach battle between Coney Island and the Rockaways and much, much more.